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Health and Safety

Elite Arts Company updates its Health & Safety Policy periodically to ensure continued safety for our EAC family; you will be notified of updates as they occur.



  • All individuals participating in an EAC event (including dance classes and production rehearsals), MUST have an EAC Medical Waiver & Media Release Form on file.  One form required per student per dance year (September – August).



  • At this point in time, EAC will not formally track any COVID-19 symptoms.  If you feel sick, stay home – AND communicate to!  Parents – we look to you for help with this.  Please continually monitor your child’s health and keep them home if they feel sick.  This is not only for the overall health of your child, but also for the EAC family as a whole.  Note – no refunds will be issued if class(es) are missed due to sickness.


  • All instructors and students will use hand sanitizer (provided by EAC) at the beginning and end of each class, as well as frequently throughout the class/event.


  • EAC Staff are required to clean equipment in between each class.


  • Due to allergies, EAC is a Peanut-Free Zone.  Please no peanut-related products inside the EAC studio, or at an EAC-sponsored event.


  • Should a student receive a non-emergency injury during class, EAC Instructor will fill out an Injury Report and provide to parent at end of class.


  • Should a student receive an emergency injury during class, parents and emergency contacts will be notified immediately via a phone call.  Order of notification will occur in the order as laid out on the EAC Medical Waiver & Media Release Form.  Once a contact is successfully reached, no further parental/emergency contact phone calls will be made. 


  • We ask that parents and students notify EAC Staff in the event of injury outside of the EAC Studio so that we can monitor and ensure no further injury occurs during EAC class/event. 


  • If any medication or first aid is administered (Tylenol, etc.) during an EAC Class, EAC Instructor will fill out a First Aid Report and provide to parent at end of class.  Only those medications approved via the EAC Medical Waiver & Media Release Form will be administered.


  • EAC does have inclement weather/safety policies in place; we have teamed up with the local Fire Station on these procedures.  All EAC Staff are trained in these procedures.


  • EAC does have an active shooter/dangerous person policy in place; we have teamed up with the local Fire Station on these procedures.  All EAC Staff are trained in these procedures.



  • Students are required to bring a water bottle to each class/event.  Water bottle must be closed-top (non-spill) and be filled with water only.  If water bottle is found to have anything other than water, the water bottle will remain in the lobby for the duration of class and cannot be utilized by the student.


  • Drinking Fountain can ONLY be utilized to refill personal water bottles via the water bottle filler feature.  Sharing of water bottles is prohibited, even among family members.



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